क्या आप शारीरिक, मानसिक, भावनात्मक और आध्यात्मिक रूप से खुद को मजबूत बनाना चाहते हैं?

Welcome to Silver Membership 🙏

Experience the Power of Online Yoga Sadhna with Guruji Dr. Vishal Gandhi & Sejal Gandhi

Silver Membership आपके लिए सबसे उत्तम विकल्प है, जहाँ आप एक Structured, Scientific और Transformative योगाभ्यास का अनुभव करेंगे।

  • 4+ Live Zoom Classes

  • 10+ Online Courses

  • Community Access

🎉 Start Your Journey Today! Join our fastest-growing community of peace, happiness, and wellness lovers.

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हमारी विशेष Yoga Sequence में शामिल हैं:


(3 min)

ओंकार & प्रार्थना

(2 min)

शुद्धिकरण की क्रियाओं

(10 min)

सूक्ष्म क्रियाओं

(10 min)

योगासनों & सूर्य नमस्कार

(10 min)


(10 min)


(5 min)


(5 min)

शांति पाठ, Clapping & Laughing (3 min)


(2 min)

Yoga Philosophy: "योगाभ्यास के दौरान जब आप श्वास लेते हैं, तो इस पूरे ब्रह्माण्ड की पवित्र ऊर्जा, शांति, और प्रकाश को अपने भीतर प्रवेश करता हुआ अनुभव करें। इस ध्यान से आपके कर्मों का क्षय होगा और आप क्रोध, मान, माया, लोभ से मुक्त हो सकेंगे।" - Regular practice of this can multiply the benefits of your yoga Sadhna

Why Silver Membership?

The Silver Membership is designed to offer you a complete online yoga experience, from beginner to advanced levels. Each technique is explained scientifically, ensuring that anyone can learn and follow the sessions, regardless of age or experience.

This membership is perfect for developing your Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Strength.

We offer:

  • Live, interactive classes daily on Zoom.

  • Recordings available on the app for anytime access.

  • Over 2000 students regularly doing Yoga Sadhna with Dr. Vishal Gandhi & Sejal Gandhi.

Courses & Programs Included in Silver Membership:

Regular Yogabhyas Class with Dr.Vishal Gandhi
Yog with Sejal Gandhi
Any Time Meditation (ATM)
Open Clinic
Hans Yog Sadhna
Online Naturopathy Festival
Reiki (Level-1) Course
Divine Lifestyle as Medicine
Freedom from Diseases
108 Omkar Sadhna
Online Yog Festival
Nadi Sudhikaran Sadhna
Power of Pranayama
15 Hast Mudra Vigyan
35 Yogasana & Surya Namaskar


Courses & Programs Included in Silver Membership:

Online Yog Class

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi & Sejal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Class (Daily)

30 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹4,999/Year

Recharge Your Life (Weekly)

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Class (Daily)

10 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹4,999/Year

Hans Yog Sadhna Shibir

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Class (Once in a Week)

50 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Reiki (Level-1) Course

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 3-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

50 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Power of Pranayama (PoP)

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 2-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

20 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Any Time Meditation (ATM)

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 3-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

30 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

15 हस्त मुद्रा विज्ञान

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 2-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

30 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

35 Yogasana & Surya Namaskar

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 5-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

20 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

नाड़ी सुधिकरण साधना शिबिर

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 5-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

5 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

108 Omkar Sadhna

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Chanting on पूर्णिमा & अमावस्या

10 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Online Yog Festival


5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 7-Days Festival (Yearly)

10 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Online Naturopathy Festival


5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 7-Days Festival (Yearly)

5 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Open Clinic

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Stream (Once in a Week)

3 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹1,999/-

Divine Lifestyle as Medicine

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live Class (1-Day in a Week)

20 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹4,999/-

Freedom from Diseases

by Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

5.0 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Live 5-Days Workshop (Trimonthly)

20 Hours On-Demand Video

Access on Mobile & Laptop

Worth ₹4,999/-

Silver Membership Contribution...


₹2,999/- Everyday Price

₹1,999/- Right Now !

Effectively only ₹666/Month

[You Save ₹2,000]

Gold Membership

30-Day Money back Guarantee!

Silver Membership includes...

  • Online Yoga Class

  • हंस योग साधना

  • Reiki (Level-1) Course

  • 108 Omkar Sadhna

  • Power of Pranayama (PoP)

  • Any Time Meditation (ATM)

  • 15 हस्त मुद्रा विज्ञान

  • 35 Yogasana & Surya Namaskar

  • सूक्ष्म क्रियाओं की Training

  • नाड़ी सुधिकरण साधना शिबिर

  • 9 Principle to Transform Your Life

  • Freedom from Diseases

  • Spiritual & Motivational Songs

  • Online Yog Festival

  • Online Naturopathy Festival

  • The Power of Sub-Conscious Mind

  • Basic Acupressure Training

  • Divine Recipe


₹11,999/- Everyday Price

₹4,999/- Right Now !

Effectively only ₹416/Month

[You Save ₹7,000]

Gold Membership

30-Day Money back Guarantee!

Silver Membership includes...

  • Online Yoga Class

  • Divine Lifestyle as Medicine

  • हंस योग साधना

  • Reiki (Level-1) Course

  • 108 Omkar Sadhna

  • Power of Pranayama (PoP)

  • Any Time Meditation (ATM)

  • 15 हस्त मुद्रा विज्ञान

  • 35 Yogasana & Surya Namaskar

  • सूक्ष्म क्रियाओं की Training

  • नाड़ी सुधिकरण साधना शिबिर

  • 9 Principle to Transform Your Life

  • Freedom from Diseases

  • Spiritual & Motivational Songs

  • Online Yog Festival

  • Online Naturopathy Festival

  • The Power of Sub-Conscious Mind

  • Basic Acupressure Training

  • Divine Recipe

Benefits of Regular Yoga Sadhna...

Regular Yoga practice offers multiple benefits:

  1. Improved flexibility: योगाभ्यास से आप अपने शरीर को लचीला बना सकते हैं।

  2. Strengthened muscles: योगासन से आपकी मांसपेशियाँ मजबूत होंगी।

  3. Reduced stress and anxiety: योग मानसिक शांति और तनावमुक्त जीवन जीने में मदद करता है।

  4. Better sleep: नियमित योग से नींद की गुणवत्ता सुधरती है।

  5. Improved cardiovascular health: योगाभ्यास से हृदय स्वास्थ्य में सुधार होता है।

  6. Mental Clarity & Focus: योग के साथ ध्यान केंद्रित और मानसिक स्पष्टता बढ़ती है।

  7. Increased mindfulness and self-awareness: योग से आत्म-जागरूकता और Mindfulness का विकास होता है।


Shyamal Prajapati

Vadodara, Gujarat

I have learned many more activities, Yoga, Sadhna with Dr. Vishal Gandhi, we always feel fabulous with each and every thing... He always gives true and best knowledge to everyone... His style of teaching to us is very genuine and simple which can easily be understood... We are always grateful to you and whatever you teach us means a lot to our life... Always thankful to you Dr. Vishal Gandhi👍

Mital Shah

Vadodara, Gujarat

I'm happy with your yoga classes and feel peaceful and relax. I attended your chakra shadhna healing classes. It's an amazing class and awesome experience. Thanks a lot Guruji 🙏

Monita Patel

Sydney, Australia

I have done almost all courses, they have created a big difference in me and my surroundings. chakra sadhna, reiki healing, hans yog, circle healing, kriya yog acupressure, ashtang yog teacher training. I am daily witnessing miracles in one or other form. I daily practice with Dr.Vishal Gandhi and feel divine after morning sessions.

Alpesh Shah

Vadodara, Gujarat

Dr.Vishal Gandhi is doing all the training programs by putting heart and soul. Theses are life changing training. Must attend.

Pravin Desai

Vadodara, Gujarat

Everybody wishes to have better health & peaceful life.I got the same by attending all programmes of Dr.Vishal Gandhi.He is one of the Best Yogacharya, Motivator, Reiki Master.

Rina Pandya

Vadodara, Gujarat

Magical experience. Spirituality explained with scientific reasoning. Simple language and deep understanding. Fully enjoy the courses, specifically chakra sadhna.


How I can Access My Membership Courses ?

You can Access Your Membership Courses from Dr.Vishal Gandhi's App (Available in Android, iOS or Window)

How to install Dr.Vishal Gandhi's App ?

Once you enrolled in Membership, You'll get login credentials to Your registered email 👍

then, install our PWA app from this link https://www.drvishalgandhi.com/install-app or Contact Relationship Manager for any help.

Really, All This 18+ Courses included in Silver Membership ?

Yes, It's True 😍 Total Real Value of ₹14,999 included in Silver Membership 👍

How 30-Day Money-back guarantee Works ?

If you are not satisfied with our Program, You'll get 100% Refund, No-Question Asked.

Your Host...

Guruji Dr.Vishal Gandhi

  • Founder of Visionlife.App, परमहंस विश्वविद्यालय, and Vishal.Cloud - Leading initiatives in holistic well-being, personal growth, and spiritual development.

  • Extensive Experience in Healing and Teaching - Over 900+ offline workshops and 3,500+ online sessions, benefiting over 90,000 people worldwide.

  • Multi-disciplinary Expert - Yogacharya, Acupuncturist, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, committed to helping individuals achieve health, wealth, happiness, and peace.

Sejal Gandhi

  • Co-founder of Visionlife.App and परमहंस विश्वविद्यालय - Supporting individuals on their journey to physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

  • Dedicated Yoga Teacher with Compassionate Approach - Experience Yoga Teacher, Sejal leads transformative online yoga classes that empower students to reach their fullest potential.

  • Focus on Empowerment and Support - Ensures that each participant feels guided and nurtured in their practice, helping them achieve holistic well-being.


100% Money Back Guarantee

We believe in your transformation so strongly that we’re offering a no-questions-asked Money-Back Guarantee. If you don’t see the results or aren’t satisfied with your experience, we’ll refund your money without hesitation.

There’s absolutely ZERO risk to start your journey. The only thing you have to lose is the old version of you!

Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back – your transformation is waiting, and it’s backed by our guarantee!

Join Today. Change Tomorrow!

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Please Note that, All the Fees Collected will be deposited to VISIONLIFE FOUNDATION Account. We believe in धर्मार्थ so This fees is being used for Paramhans Dham Development.

We're not here to claim any Results, But many Participants who practice regularly have experience of get rid of Stress, Anxiety, Tension, Pain, Depression, Diseases...

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